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A complex is the most aptly named thing in the world. Not only does it relate to the environment you live in, it describes the management of it perfectly.  

Casper du Plessis

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Who is responsable for what in a complex

  • Trustees

    In short, they are tasked with all day-to-day management and decision making.
    This includes what contractors to use, approval of maintenance work, approval of payments. Arranging the AGM, preparing and presenting a budget. Acting on conduct rule infringements. Maintaining the common property.

    Their full list of tasks can be found in the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act

  • Owners

    Scheme owners within a community bear essential responsibilities outlined by the homeowners' association or management company, encompassing adherence to established rules, timely financial contributions for shared expenses and facilities upkeep, maintaining individual properties according to community guidelines, active participation in meetings and decision-making, respectful use of common areas, open communication for conflict resolution, adherence to legal requirements, maintaining proper insurance coverage, and fostering a harmonious community environment. Active engagement and compliance with these responsibilities ensure a well-managed and pleasant living environment for all residents within the community scheme.

  • Management Agent

    A managing agent is appointed to assist the trustees in their tasks. Their tasks are mainly, administrative, financial and advisory. While these tasks can differ from agent to agent and from building to building the core remains the same.

    Normally the agent does the book keeping and sends out the monthly levy statements. They serve as a central point of communication. They also keep the records of the scheme.

    What a management may not do, is make decisions on behalf of the Trustees or the Body Corproate.

What do all these terms mean?

  • Trustee

    A trustee in a sectional title scheme is an individual who manages the specific scheme along with other trustees. The trustees of a body corporate are supposed to act in this capacity voluntarily and in the interests of the scheme at all times.

    In short, Trustees are elected annually at the AGM of the scheme.  .

  • Body Corporate

    This is the body that is formed by ALL homeowners. A Body Corporate is a legal entity that manages shared areas and facilities within a property development, overseeing maintenance, rules, and finances for the collective benefit of all property owners or residents.

  • Common Property

    Common property refers to areas, spaces, or facilities within a real estate development that are collectively owned or shared by multiple property owners or residents. It typically includes spaces accessible to and used by all residents or owners within a housing complex, condominium, or community scheme. Examples of common property can include corridors, lobbies, elevators, gardens, parking areas, swimming pools, gymnasiums, and shared utilities.

    Ownership of common property is not attributed to any single individual but is held collectively by a Body Corporate or homeowners' association, representing all the owners or residents within the development. Maintenance, management, and decision-making regarding the use and upkeep of these shared areas are governed by the established rules, regulations, and agreements of the property's governing body.

    Owners or residents usually contribute financially through levies or fees to cover the costs of maintenance, repairs, insurance, and other expenses related to the common property.

  • Managing Agents

    This is an external person or company, appointed by the Trustees.  Thir function in short is to assist the Trustees in the day-to-day running of the scheme. Managing Agents have no authority to make decisions, they act on the instructions and directions of the Trustees.

    A common misconception is that Managing agents act on their own. They have no authority towards decision making. This is made clear in Section 28(5)(b) Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act

Website Access Denied

If you are receiving the Access Denied screen when attempting to access certain pages, it can be one of the following reasons.

New Sign-up Process

If you've recently signed up, it may take some time for your profile to be linked to your accounts. This process involves matching the information you provided during sign-up with the details on file. Once matched successfully, access is granted. Otherwise, manual matching by staff may take up to 24 hours.

Insufficient Permissions

Certain pages may be restricted based on your role or permissions. For example, owners may not have access to trustee-related content without proper authorization.

I am a trustee and cannot access the Trustee Portal.

In this case, kindly contact your Portfolio Manager so that they can arrange access for you.

If you have an issue that is not covered here, please contact our office so that we can assist.

Account or levy account? What is the Difference

Levy Account Number

A Levy Account refers to your unit, if you own a unit in a Building, that unit has its own unique Levy Account number. If you own 2 units in a building you will have 2 levy accounts and thus two levy account numbers. This Levy Account number is also the reference you should use when making payments.


Specifically referring to our Portal, and Account refers to an Owner. An Owner can be a person, but also a company or a trust. It goes without saying that an "Account" can own multiple units, in the same complex or among various complexes.

For Example, if Company JFK Pty Ltd owns 3 units (GMA001, GMA002 and GMA003) in the same complex, you should be able to view each of the 3 Levy Accounts, all grouped under the Account (JFK Pty Ltd).

Furthermore, if you decide to change the contact details or the billing address for Account JFK Pty Ltd, the contact details and Billing Address will be changed for all 3 Levy Accounts on the system.

You just signed up.

If you have just signed up, the system may still be in the process of linking your Profile to your accounts. Depending on various factors this may take some time.

The system uses the information you provided for you user profile (ID, mobile number and email) to match with the details we have on file. If as successful match is found, your access is immediate. If not, our staff will manually match what they can find within 24 hours). You will receive an email when matching has completed.

User Profile

• A User Profile is unique to each individual (not a company) and is linked to their website profile

• It allows for multiple user profiles to be associated with a single account. For example, in the case of a company owned by multiple shareholders, each shareholder can have their own user profile linked to the company account, the same can be done if you have a rental Agent that need access to some of your accounts.

If you're still facing issues not covered here, contacting the website's office for further assistance is recommended.